This ongoing treatment set maintains the patient’s tolerance to their offending allergens.
Injection Instructions
Store vials in your refrigerator
Draw correct dosage in syringe
Bring allergens to room temperature
Ensure no bubbles are present
If they appear, flick the syringe’s top
Lift back of animal’s neck creating a “tent”
Insert needle at tent base, below the skin’s surface
Withdraw plunger slightly
If no blood present, inject allergens
*If you have two sets, give one injection from each set simultaneously at different areas of the body
Massage the injection site
Praise your animal
Return vial to refrigerator
Always monitor for 45 minutes as a precaution
Possible Side Effects
If you notice an increase in allergy symptoms within 48 hours after a dose, STOP treatment and contact your veterinarian.
Common reactions may include: an increase in allergy symptoms, swelling at injection site, increased itchiness and/or redness.
Serious, but rare reactions may include: hives, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal drowsiness, facial swelling, collapse. If you notice any of these reactions, seek medical attention immediately.
Call your veterinarian with the following information:
- Date of last dose
- Dosage amount
- Vial color
- Patient’s symptoms
- When symptoms occurred